Investing in a book coach is the direct channel to publishing — saving you from wasted time and heartache in order to write a best-selling book.

You are accomplished. In life. At work. You have overcome many obstacles.

But your dream of writing a book has lingered in the background — unfinished and no less important. In fact, people continue to tell you that you should write a book about what you know. You know you should realize your book dream. But how?

Every successful professional gets to the top of their game by engaging high-level advisors and mentors. They are not interested in reinventing the wheel, just driving the car. Writing a good and well regarded story is no different.

Most clients show up feeling overwhelmed about the process of writing a book. (It's okay!) Since fear is rooted in lack of process — we will quickly establish a clear path forward. One that works for you, with your schedule, and no matter how much or little support you need.

Soon you will wonder what took you so long to get the book ball rolling!

“Letting go of what you thought your book should be about is one of the greatest gifts You, As a writer, can give a reader because they will be delivered something ten times more engaging than your first idea.”

- Kim O’Hara

What you need to get started:

to get moving on your book and no longer want it taking up free rent in your head.


to give up hours in your schedule to a book and a coach who will make sure every moment spent is valuable.


to believe that the success you have achieved so far, does translate to the success you can have in authorship and publishing.


Are you ready?

How I can help you write your best selling book:

Wherever you are in the book writing and publishing process — whether you are looking to confirm that a book concept has legs to stand on, needing help with the writing process, identifying your unique expertise in the marketplace or ready to submit a proposal to publishers, Kim O’Hara can help illuminate your narrative so you and your book can shine…

Services range from a one hour consultation to a one year book writing and publishing program. Each experience is designed to stair-step and streamline the writing process through one-on-one support customized to ensure a successful outcome.

Curated Services to Meet the Individual Needs of Each Client, At Each Stage of the Writing and Publishing Process:

Book Coaching

  • Cut through the book confusion and let Kim help you develop a game plan for developing and writing your book.

    This 30 minute one-on-one conversation will offer you high value support and direction on your author journey. Don’t waste any more time waiting in the dark.

    Book Here Now

  • A customized eight month book and publishing support program from idea to completed book with Book Coach Kim O’Hara. This individualized book writing program is catered specifically to your needs, and objectives, as well as the genre of book you intend to write. This eight month program includes identification of brand and market value for your book and guidance into the Agent & Publisher Query and Proposal process. Valued at $55,000 but offered at $30K.

    Reserve your space in this program by booking a preliminary consultation with Kim O’Hara

  • Professional Book Analysis — $1,250

    • Have your book read and reviewed in a (2) hour private consult with Kim O’Hara.

    Establishing a Book Outline — $5,000

    • One of Kim’s most popular services! Ready to write a book but unsure if you have enough material? Spend (5) investigative hours with her one on one to draft a comprehensive outline that will get your creative wheels spinning and fingers flying over the keyboard!

    Book A La Carte services by scheduling a preliminary consultation with Kim O’Hara.

Publishing Support

  • Cut through the book confusion and let Kim help you develop a game plan for marketing and/or publishing your book. This 30 minute one-on-one conversation will offer you high value support and direction on your author journey. Don’t waste any more time waiting in the dark.
    Book Here Now

  • Kim O’Hara works with you as the Author to create a comprehensive industry-standard Book Proposal and professional query letter from either your established book or helps you create a proposal on concept. She has a high success rate in authors impressing the industry with the completed product.

    Reserve your space in this program by booking a preliminary consultation with Kim O’Hara

  • You have written your book and have no idea where to begin with putting yourself out into the world. As an insider expert, Book Coach Kim O’Hara works with you on your objectives as an author, and helps align you with the right industry professionals to achieve your goal.

    She offers vetted referrals to industry leaders in PR, book marketing, branding, trademarking, editing, web design and, in some instances, life and business coaches as well as writing cohorts.

    Reserve your space in this program by booking a preliminary consultation with Kim O’Hara

Want to know more about how Kim O’Hara can help you illuminate your narrative?